Hannah and I have too many ARCs: an emergency readathon – 2020 edition

Last year around this time Hannah and I created a 2-person readathon to tackle some of our ARCs, and we are going to do the same this year, for the last two weeks of September.

I say it’s a 2-person readathon just because we are not planning on doing prompts or hashtags or anything that would accompany an Official readathon, but if you want to join us, by all means do! The only prompt is to read your ARCs.

I’m not going to do a set TBR because I know I won’t follow it, so I’m just going to show you all of my possibilities.

So without further ado… my ARCs. These are only the ones I’ve acquired since this time last year but I think this is more than enough to choose from.

So… what should I read?! Help!

EDIT: I’ll update this as I go.


Catherine House ★★★☆☆ | review
The Lost Village ★★★☆☆ | review

30 thoughts on “Hannah and I have too many ARCs: an emergency readathon – 2020 edition

  1. omg so many books that i wanna read !!! i read and really enjoyed Inventory and The Bass Rock – i think youll like Inventory especially 🙌🙌 i wanna read Tokyo Ueno Station and The Art of Falling

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great selection! There are so many here I’m interested in and would love to see your impression of. I started Shuggie Bain this week and am liking it so far, although it’s still early days. And I’m hoping to get to The Bass Rock this month or next as well. But it looks like it would be hard to go wrong with anything here!

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  3. I am so excited! I wrestled with the stupid block editor to have my post up later today and I think I am actually relatively pleased with how the post ended up.
    On my rather loose TBR I also have Pew and The Bass Rock – although I am vastly more excited about the former. Maybe, if we are still bad at this reading ARCs things next year, I am forcing myself to choose from categories. Or, maybe not because that is surely a recipe for failure.

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    • The block editor was killing me with this post. How are we supposed to live like this?!

      The Bass Rock is on my loose TBR too so we should buddy read that! I’m still not sure about Pew… I hope you pick it up and tell me whether or not I should read it.

      ‘if we are still bad at this reading ARCs things next year’ – I can almost guarantee my Netgalley feedback will be down to a solid 42% by then, so yes, I am in.

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      • It is SO the worst. I still cannot believe they forced us to use the stupid block editor. Whenever I want to include a picture I want to hit something.

        I do think I will like Pew, The Bass Rock really is not my kind of book but buddy reading sounds good!

        I am really trying to not request as many ARCs anymore but somehow I struggle. Too many great books!

        Liked by 1 person

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