The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Olivia @ Arrow and Dot – thank you!  Everyone go check out Olivia’s blog if you haven’t already, her reviews are fantastic.  Also, sorry this took me so long!


1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog

2. Answer the 11 questions the person asked you –

(i) Why did you decide to start a blog?

I’d been writing book reviews on Goodreads for quite a while, and I liked the idea of having all my reviews in one place.  My friend Chelsea and I had been toying with the idea of starting blogs for a while, and we finally decided to take the plunge this past January.  I’m so happy that we did – I’ve had a really great blogging experience so far and met some really cool people.

(ii) What fictional character would you most want to be friends with?

Hmmmm.  Willem Ragnarsson from A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara.

(iii) What are you most looking forward to this summer?

My big ten day NYC vacation already happened, so now I’m mainly just enjoying the nice weather.  I’m probably going to go to Montreal for a weekend in August, so I’m looking forward to that.  I love that city and it’s a really short drive up.

(iv) What are your goals for your blog this year?

I don’t have any!  This is just a hobby.  If I get too hung up on stats and follower count, I won’t enjoy it as much.  I know this from years of experience in trying to be #popular on the internet.  It’s just not all that it’s cracked up to be.  That said, I hope to keep reviewing as consistently as I have the first half of this year, and I hope to continue to read all your posts and interact with you lovely people.

(v) What fictional world would you most like to live in?

The Harry Potter universe, obviously.

(vi) How do you prefer to read books: Paper, e-book, or audio book?

I like juggling between paper and e-books.  I wish I had the attention span for audiobooks since I have a really long drive to work every day, but I can never focus on them.

(vii) Where do you like to buy books? (Amazon, used book store, new book store, etc.)

All of the above.  I try to support vendors not owned by Amazon as often as possible, though.

(viii) What is your favorite and least favorite thing about the area in which you live?

Favorite: it is stunningly pretty.  Least favorite: I’m a city girl at heart, and Vermont is dull dull dull.  I also have seasonal affective disorder, and the winters can be pretty brutal.

(ix) Coffee or tea?

Tea!  I’m a huge tea drinker.  Not a big coffee fan.

(x) What did you study in college/university? Or, what are you studying/what do you want to study? Or, have you chosen a path that does not involve college?

I have a degree in Italian Literature with a minor in Art History.  Clearly I was trying to be as employable as possible.

(xi) What is something that you learned or improved at through blogging?

Obvious answer alert, but, I’ve improved at reviewing.  Sometimes I look at reviews I wrote as recently as a year ago and think that I’m much more articulate these days – practice makes perfect, I guess!

3. Nominate 11 people (comment on their blog to let them know)

Chelsea // Steph // Hadeer // Ella // Bentley // Irena
Ann // Zuky // Mischenko // Carissa // Jennee

4. Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions

(i) What’s your dream vacation?
(ii) How do you take your coffee (or tea)?
(iii) What’s your favorite kind of blog post to make (e.g. book reviews, monthly wrap ups, Top 5 Wednesday/Top 10 Tuesday, etc)?
(iv) Have you met any of your internet friends in real life?
(v) If you had to blog about something other than books, what would it be?
(vi) What’s the best movie you’ve watched so far this year?
(vii) Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever been?
(viii) Do you name your car(s) and other inanimate objects?
(ix) Which blog that you follow do you think is the most similar to yours?  In terms of, ‘if you like my blog, you should also follow ____.’
(x) Favorite season?
(xi) Are there any genres that you refuse to read?

As always, I will not be offended if you’d rather pass, etc.  🙂

14 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Oh my gosh, I’d so love to be friends with Willem. I think he’s going to end up being my favorite character in A Little Life.

    I actually lived in Vermont for a summer for an internship, up in Newport. It was very pretty and I lived right near a lake, but I’m not sure if I would have liked to live there in the winter! Would you want to move to a city in the future?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love all of those characters SO MUCH but Willem is definitely my favorite. I also love Jude but he would be more difficult to be friends with for obvious reasons. 😦

      Oh my god, how did I not know that!! That’s so cool! Wow, so that’s practically Canada. I live more in central Vermont. I’ve never been to Newport but I just googled it and it looks gorgeous!!! I want to go there!

      That’s the plan! Unfortunately that’s about as detailed as the plan is, at the moment. I’m really torn between New York, Boston, and L.A… I definitely want to get out of Vermont in the next couple of years, but I can never figure out where on earth I want to be.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Newport is probably nice for a little day trip, but there isn’t a lot around there besides maybe taking a trip on a boat across the lake. Or if you just want to relax somewhere pretty! It’s a cute tiny little town.

        I can definitely vouch for Boston! I live about 45 minutes from there and I have some friends who live there, so I’ve been to Boston many times. I personally love it for its historic nature, and it’s a good city to live in if you’d like to be near the sea!

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      • That sounds like Vermont in a nutshell tbh – gorgeous and not terribly exciting!

        I haven’t been to Boston in yeeeaarrs but I’ve always loved it. My friend and I were actually thinking of going down at some point this summer, so fingers crossed for that! My only concern with moving there is that it’s such an expensive city, but then again New York is as well… I guess I’m a bit more familiar with New York though so I know some neighborhoods that aren’t quite so expensive to live in. I’d have to do a lot of research if I decided to move to Boston! But it seems like a great city to live in.

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      • I feel that way about Boston- NYC seems so intimidating to me but I feel like Boston wouldn’t be that hard to find somewhere cheaper, lol. But it’s definitely because I know it better.

        If you end up going and you need any recommendations on where to go, I’ve got a few! I love the Museum of Fine Arts, and it’s just a nice city to walk around.

        Liked by 1 person

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